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Ballet and drama performance "The Great World of Anna Pavlova's Ballet" 10 November 2023 at 19:00


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Ballet and drama performance "The Great World of Anna Pavlova's Ballet"

  • Ballet
  • Drama
Hermitage Theater / Main hall
Адрес: Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Dvortsovaya emb., 34

Продолжительность: 02:00
Антракт: 1

In St. Petersburg, there will be a performance of the performance "The Great World of Anna Pavlova's Ballet" with the participation of the stars of the leading theaters of St. Petersburg.

Such a gift, in the year of Ballet in Russia, is presented to residents and guests of St. Petersburg by the International Cultural Center named after Sergei Pavlovich Diaghilev.

The performance will be shown on the stage of the Hermitage Theatre.

A unique ballet and drama performance dedicated to the Great Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova. It was for her that Mikhail Fokin staged the number "The Dying Swan" and it is this image created by Anna Pavlova that to this day is a symbol of Russian ballet all over the world. For her contemporaries, the great ballerina was a global phenomenon. Round-the-world tours, the best theaters, non-stop work, forced emigration, homesickness, non-compliance with standards, new standards, a difficult female fate - all this is about Anna Pavlova. Flowers, perfumes, chocolates, desserts are named after her. This phenomenon will be called "Pavlovomania". Victor Dandre is always and everywhere with her. It is his memories that will take the audience to the "Great World of Anna Pavlova's Ballet".

The program is accompanied by a display of rare photographs and newsreels depicting the prima on stage, in the dressing room and in everyday life.

The uniqueness of the project lies in the fact that, according to the surviving photographic and film documents, as well as the diaries of the ballerina, author's performances staged for her by Alexander Gorsky, Mikhail Fokin and Anna Pavlova herself were recreated especially for him.

Many of the numbers, once created by Pavlova herself or specially for her, over the years were undeservedly forgotten and, thanks to this project, found a new life and returned to the stage again.

Petersburg artist Daniyar Baibulatov dedicated nine of his paintings to Anna Pavlova. The canvases dedicated to the Great Russian ballerina are the decoration of the performance.

Anna Pavlova put her whole life on the altar of ballet and, as a result, this gave her immortality. Thanks to this, the audience has a chance to discover "The Great World of Anna Pavlova's Ballet"!

International Cultural Center. Sergei Diaghilev has existed since 2005, continuing the work of the famous Russian impresario Sergei Pavlovich Diaghilev, carries out cultural and creative projects that popularize Russian musical art both in Russia and around the world, revives the traditions of Russian musical theater, supports young talents and opens up new ones to a wide audience. names, organizes art exhibitions, engages in educational and charitable activities ...

Artist Daniyar Baibulatov is a St. Petersburg artist who works in several areas of painting: classical and conceptual.

Daniyar's canvases were exhibited at the best venues in Russia, including: in the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin (Moscow) and the Museum Complex of Sberbank of Russia (Moscow). Daniyar's canvases are in private collections of Vladimir Spivakov, Grigory Kovalevsky, German Gref and others.

Daniyar actively cooperates with charitable foundations and the International Cultural Center. Sergei Diaghilev, which resulted in the design of the play "The Great World of Anna Pavlova's Ballet" and a series of works dedicated to the great ballerina.

The performance takes place under the soundtrack.