God Thoth. Lord of the word. Time Lord

  • Concert
  • Classical music
Hermitage Theater / Main hall
Address: Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Dvortsovaya emb., 34

Duration: -
Intermission: -

The St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Sergei Stadler will present the concert “God Thoth. Lord of the word. Lord of Time”, whose program consists of various classical pieces inspired by Egypt and its culture.

Famous composers often turned to this mysterious country in their works, the history and traditions of which provide a huge space for creative searches. The program will feature the merry "Egyptian March" by I. Strauss - a fantasy of a European composer on oriental motifs. Fragments of works inspired by the epic, such as the struggle for power in "Tamos, King of Egypt" by W. A. ​​Mozart and the struggle for the love of Queen Cleopatra in "Egyptian Nights" by A. Arensky. As well as fragments from works inspired by the biblical story about the escape of the Jews from Egypt under the leadership of Moses: G. Handel's oratorio "The Exodus of Israel from Egypt" and G. Rossini's opera "Moses in Egypt". The concert program will end with fragments from the most famous opera, which takes place in Egypt - "Aida" by G. Verdi, written specifically for the opening of the Cairo Opera House. The story of the infrequent love of the leader of the Egyptian troops Radames and the slave Aida is a great masterpiece of opera music, the interest in which has not subsided among listeners all over the world for a century and a half.

"God That. Lord of the word. Lord of Time” is a concert-journey into history and ancient mysteries, where listeners will be able to get to know the charm of the East and the thousand-year history of Egypt. The melodic brightness of the program will be of interest to all lovers and connoisseurs of classical music, as well as lovers of ancient legends and chronicles.


I department

W. A. Mozart.

Fragments to the drama "Tamos, King of Egypt"

G. Handel.

Fragments from the oratorio "Israel in Egypt"

I. Strauss.

"Egyptian March", op. 335

A. Arensky.

Dances from the ballet "Egyptian Nights"

G. Rossini

Dances from the opera "Moses in Egypt"

Part II

G. Verdi.

Fragments from the opera "Aida"

St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra

Artistic Director and Principal Conductor

People's Artist of Russia

Sergei Stadler


About the St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra:

On December 13, 2013, the St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra was created under the direction of the People's Artist of Russia Sergei Stadler. The young team immediately won the recognition of the St. Petersburg public, who appreciated the diversity of the repertoire and the skill of the musicians.

The orchestra performs music from baroque to avant-garde, including works rarely performed in Russia. He performs at the best concert venues in Russia, including the Great Hall of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic, the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, the State Academic Chapel of St. Petersburg, the State Hermitage, etc.

The cultural life of the Northern capital today cannot be imagined without the annual projects "Music of War and Victory" in the Peter and Paul Fortress and the "Autumn Musical Marathon". As part of the “Autumn Musical Marathon”, the orchestra performed all the symphonies of Tchaikovsky (2014), Brahms (2015), 12 symphonies of Mozart (2016) in one evening as the completion of the cycle of concerts “All the symphonies of Mozart”, all the symphonies of Beethoven (2017). “Autumn Musical Marathon-2017. Beethoven" was included in the "Book of Records of Russia" as "The longest philharmonic concert with a program of works by one author performed by one symphony orchestra under the direction of one conductor."

The St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra regularly holds large-scale educational events. The team cooperates with St. Petersburg State University and other leading universities of St. Petersburg, colleges, music schools.

Among the large-scale musical events are the grandiose projects "Tchaikovsky-Gala" and "Prokofiev-Gala" at the Alexandrinsky Theater, "Three Stradivari Violins", a concert dedicated to the anniversary of Rimsky-Korsakov, "The All Violin Tchaikovsky", "All Mozart's Violin Concertos", the cycle " All symphonies by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart”, participation in the festivals “Petersburg Holidays on Dvortsovaya”, “Brilliant Strauss” in Pavlovsk, etc.

The Symphony Orchestra of St. Petersburg performs at the leading concert venues of the city, participates in major international, all-Russian and citywide events, festivals and forums, such as: St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum; St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, St. Petersburg International Book Salon; celebration of the "Day of Slavic Literature and Culture", etc. For four years, the team has played more than 350 concerts in Russia and abroad.

The St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra demonstrated all the greatness of Russian musical culture

La Nouvelle Republique

High professionalism and authentic traditions of the St. Petersburg orchestral school


Young musicians who are sincerely passionate about their work, able to turn an ordinary concert into an amazing performance


About People's Artist of Russia Sergey Stadler:

Violinist and conductor, People's Artist of Russia Sergei Stadler was born on May 20, 1962 in Leningrad. Mother - pianist, concertmaster of the St. Petersburg Conservatory, father - violist of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra.

Sergey Stadler graduated from the Special Music School at the St. Petersburg Conservatory, an external student from the St. Petersburg Conservatory and postgraduate studies at the Moscow Conservatory.

Sergey Stadler's teachers were such outstanding musicians as Leonid Kogan, Viktor Tretyakov, David Oistrakh, Boris Sergeev, Mikhail Vayman, Boris Gutnikov.

Laureate of international competitions:

1976 - Concertino-Prague (I prize)

1979 - Competition them. Marguerite Long and Jacques Thibaud, Paris, II Grand Prix and Special Prize for the best performance of French music

1980 - Competition them. Sibelius Museum (Helsinki), 2nd Prize and Special Public Prize

1982 - Competition them. Tchaikovsky (Moscow), 1st Prize and Gold Medal

Toured in more than 70 countries, recorded more than 40 discs

Performs with orchestras: ZKR St. Petersburg Philharmonic, State Orchestra. Svetlanov, Russian National Orchestra, Bolshoi Symphony Orchestra. P. I. Tchaikovsky, Mariinsky and Bolshoi Theater Orchestras, Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, London and Czech Philharmonic Orchestras, Vienna Symphony Orchestra, De Paris Orchestra, National de France, Gewandhaus (Leipzig), Staadskapelle (Dresden), Tokyo Philharmonic, orchestras Melbourne, Torronto, Helsinki, Romanesque Switzerland.

At the moment he is the artistic director of the St. Petersburg Concert and the chief conductor of the St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra.



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