"Eugene Onegin". Scenes from the opera

  • Classical music
  • Opera
Hermitage Theater / Main hall
Address: Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Dvortsovaya emb., 34

Duration: 02:15
Intermission: 1

On the stage of the Hermitage Theater, the leading soloists of the St. Petersburg Concert, accompanied by the St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra, will present scenes from Tchaikovsky's opera "Eugene Onegin". Conducting - Sergei Stadler!

Eugene Onegin is one of the main Russian operas that has won love all over the world. Today it is difficult to imagine that success did not come to this music immediately: the first responses to the performance were mostly restrained and even cool. But time has put everything in its place, and today "Eugene Onegin" is not just a favorite opera of millions of people on the planet, but actually a visiting card of Russian culture.

The composer himself wrote: “I created this opera because one fine day, with inexpressible force, I wanted to put to music everything that Onegin asks for music. I melted and trembled with inexpressible pleasure when I wrote it. And if even the slightest fraction of what I experienced while composing this opera responds to the listener, then I will be very pleased and I don’t need more. ”

We invite you to share with us the magic of this music in the wonderful atmosphere of the Hermitage Theater!

St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra
art director and chief conductor - People's Artist of Russia Sergei Stadler

Each viewer c 0 years old must purchase a ticket.

Duration - 2 hours 15 minutes, with one intermission


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